Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery
Fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in;
Knee arthroscopy including ACL reconstruction
Primary Knee and Hip Joint Replacement
Consulting at: Osborne Park and Northam
Main rooms: Boorloo Specialist Centre
Orthopaedic Clinic
Unit 2, 29 Walters Drive
Osborne Park WA 6017
Main lists: Mount Hospital Rights elsewhere
Healthlink: MTLAORTH
For all appointments please contact reception (phone/fax preferred):
BMedSc (Hons), MBBS (WA), FRACS (Orth), FAOrthA
Mount Hospital
Boorloo Specialist Centre Orthopaedic Clinic
9271 1552
9271 1553
Unit 2, 29 Walters Drive Osborne Park WA 6017
Osborne Park and Northam